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Yvonne Cotton ( Pauline McLynn) made her debut on 12 May. DC Emma Summerhayes ( Anna Acton) was introduced on 21 April, as the Police Family Liaison Officer for the Beales after Lucy Beale ( Hetti Bywater) is murdered. Donna Yates ( Lisa Hammond), a new market stallholder and Pam Coker ( Lin Blakley), Les Coker's ( Roger Sloman) wife, both arrived on 14 April. On 10 March, Charlie Cotton ( Declan Bennett) and on 4 April, Lee Carter ( Danny-Boy Hatchard).

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February saw Stacey Branning ( Lacey Turner) return with her daughter Lily (Aine Garvey) and also her new boyfriend, Luke Riley ( Matt Willis), followed by Tosh Mackintosh ( Rebecca Scroggs). Nancy Carter ( Maddy Hill) arrived in January with her fiancé, Wayne Ladlow ( Malachi Kirby), Stan Carter ( Timothy West), Babe Smith ( Annette Badland) and new market inspector, Aleks Shirovs ( Kristian Kiehling). All new characters in 2014 were introduced by Dominic Treadwell-Collins, executive producer. The following are characters who first appeared, or returned, in the BBC soap opera EastEnders during 2014 listed by order of first appearance.

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